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Venezuela is rich in beauty, minerals and oil. Indeed, Venezuela has the largest oil reserve on the planet, more than Saudi Arabia and Iran. Yet, Venezuela has been plunged into a socio-economic and environmental tragedy which has impacted on most Venezuelans. 

Ideas for Venezuela

Borne in 2019, it is a non-for-profit project which aim is to raise awareness of some of the most pressing issues taking place in Venezuela.


Our work has reached more than 600 thousand people worldwide so far. It has been exhibited in museums, galleries and Universities. We speak about socio-economic and environmental issues such as the recent Venezuela's hyperinflation causes and consequences; The ecocide and human rights violations taking place at the Orinoco Mining Arc area at the Venezuela Amazon Rainforest; The Venezuelan external public debt crisis, and others.


How do we act?


We fusion Art & Activism to convey our messages.

We conduct research on specific topics, and team up with talented and compassionated people who is happy to develop and deliver creative and engaging ideas to make visible current issues happening in Venezuela.


From money-dresses exhibitions to webinars and workshop delivery, we offer a combination of engaging educational activities. We invite participants who are mostly from European countries to learn more about Venezuela whilst also stimulating a culture of creativity and action.


Our projects

Venezuela: the Forgotten Crisis (2023 - on going)​


No to Venezuelan Blood Gold (2022 - on going)


Hyperinflation in Venezuela 

(2019 - on going)

Cambridge University Presentation

"The dress was created to provide a visual representation of the problem; a problem which I firmly believe can be solved if we, as a privileged, compassionate community, come together."


Meet The Team


Katherine Hasegawa

  • LinkedIn

Founder and CEO


I’m an International Business Management graduate at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. 

Social Entrepreneur & 

Human Rights Advocate.


Jamy Ayala

  • Instagram

Program Coordinator


I’m a history student at the

Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Economic researcher &

Contemporary Dancer

WhatsApp Image 2019-04-27 at 5.26.58 PM.

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